Personalised Flower Essence Blend - including short consult

Naturally Herbal



Using Bach Flower Essence Remedies and our own Naturally Herbal Select Remedies to complement the Bach Range, we can blend a Personal Remedy suitable to your immediate needs.

Great for anxiety, sleep issues, overwhelm, restlessness and uncertainty, flower essence blends bring some gentle stillness and clarity and light. Using the most appropriate blends for your situation is dependent on answers you give during our 20 minute discussion online.

This is not a full naturopathic consultation that would delve deeper into understanding more complex conditions but I often work with Flower Essences as part of the naturopathic process.

If this interests you, place an order and I will reach out to arrange a convenient time to discuss what will best support you.

Flowers, plants and trees are my passion - be they medicinal, vibrational or in the garden.  They are the teachers of my soul from my earliest days. Read my blogs to find out more!

SKU: 10000 TAGS: floweressence, Bach

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